December Election To Boost The Print Industry

December Election To Boost The Print Industry

We may not think we have a great deal to thank politicians for right now but the December election which is now due on December 12th should be a good short term boost for the print industry.

First Winter General Election For Years

Campaign Printing MaterialsPrime minister Boris Johnson has been calling for a General Election for some time as the present Parliament seems to be in deadlock over Brexit. He finally got his wish yesterday as enough of his opponents, including Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, backed the proposal for an election in December, the first winter General Election for nearly 100 years.

Printing Campaign Materials

Whatever this may mean for the country as a whole one thing that is certain is that some printing companies will be very busy in the run up to this election as campaign materials will need to be hastily drawn up, given that December 12th is but a few weeks away.

One print marketing director was quoted after the election was announced saying:

“The general election will always bring print business to the industry. We’re already dealing with a number of enquiries, we’ve already got work in the factory. There are already full election campaigns so we’re well underway with work for that. It’s a good boost for the business. It’s definitely welcome.”

Remove The Uncertainty Of Brexit

Of course this is going to be only a short term boost to the industry and we are still uncertain as to what the future holds with regard to Brexit and the possible implications of this. Many people within different sectors of industry are still hoping that a Brexit deal can be done before the General Election comes around so that the uncertainty can be removed and we can get back to some sort of normality.

One thing this spike in orders for print does prove though is that print is still the best way to directly communicate with people. And of course a future referendum would bring in even more print work!

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